
Showing posts from March, 2018

Watch our movie here. This is our H5p Production where we have produced our final film

Changes to the website based on reveiws

I had to change the colour scheme, because the information we gathered off of the questionnaire said that people didn't like the colour scheme, i tis now more user friendly because people though the website was very gloomy and too dark so i brightened up the colour scheme. We are also making more content.
please fill in the survey (link no1) on out production website (link no2)

website design

I have used the dark colour theme to fit the theme and tone of our productions. this is why i have used black grey and red.  this is based off of what the whole crew decided that would be best fit for the website of a horror movie, we found this from our research on what websites look like. The grey and red theme for the bottom half of the website will stick how the other r black and grey theme may vary.