Week Three

What have you completed today?
I have filmed an advert for 'bic' to show off there pen and how its the most easily stolen pen. I had to order my camera the way the director wanted.
What skills have you developed today?
I developed skills with a camera as I have never done that sort of filming before.
How could you develop furthur?
I could film more things like this in a studio.
Is there anything you would do differently?
There is nothing I could have done differently, because there was minimal work to do and that made me feel relaxed. 


What have you completed today?
We completed a change to or previously edited footage in a different montage style. "Soviet Montage". We mad the footage less mild and harder to view
What skills have you developed today?
I developed the skill to re-edit footage to a different genre.
How could you develop furthur?
i could edit more footage and try changing the genre each time.
Is there anything you would do differently?
i would try and have more creative persuasion and input my imagination.


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