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We were set a task to create the sounds for the famous phsyco scene. (1960, DIR Hitchhock.) 

We had to create the sounds using foley, recreating sound using other objects and items. We had to use Premier Pro to edit the sounds together. Foley was a practitioner who started using sound effects for the radio, he moved to cinema in the 1920's because they figured that they don't need live sound for a motion picture. Foley used house hold items to make his sounds, things that are just around the house. An example of this technique being used is house keys scraped against piano strings to create the iconic sound of the TARDIS in 'Doctor Who' (1963, BBC) 

Found content is content that I have found from another source and is not my own, examples of found content that i have used it... 
- music 02/10/17
- Drain 02/10/17

When editing we used premier pro to string the sounds to the video, we didn't apply any effects. I wanted to edit the sounds so they fade in but was unsure how too, however this because redundant because we didn't need to when editing. 

The scene still needs more sound and to have better timings between them. 


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