Will Smith Graham Norton Show

Show: The Graham Norton Show
Chanel:BBC One
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwS14TiO7Pk

The show is located in a studio where the set consists of a sofa on a small platform with a desk a seat and a TV for the host and quests to see. then to the side of the platform there is a small stage.
The colour pallet of The Graham Norton show is quite dark daily consisting of Purple and Orange, using these colours keeps the general tone of the show quite dark which then bounces off the humorous content of the show.
The hair and make up for the show is done so it makes the subjects look more natural and with the lighting and on camera.
The host has a high energy and happy atmosphere to make the guests feel comferatble and more likely to answer questions.
The shot types are very consecutive and the show consist of wide shots of everyone on the set or plat form or then cuts to medium shot of sofa or host.
the cameras are positioned evenly along the side of the set. They have three cameras for filming the show.
The cameras do not really move of the show however when they do they move to show the audience.
the framing for the show is wide, this does not change through out the filming of the show, the sofa is always centred in the camera this is to get the guest.

The pace of the show is quite fast pace, there are no quite moments.
The shot duration is quite fast because it switches between shots of the host and guests.


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