
Showing posts from October, 2017

White Balance in Video

To white balance a camera you must first use a sheet of white paper to make all the colours neutral, and if you shoot under over head lights the this will make the colour and light seem more natural. To make the shoot seem warmer or to add a warmer tone to the clip you need to white balance off of a blue piece of paper or card, this will give the camera a orange tint, this is useful when filling warm scenes in cold locations. to make a scene seem colder you must use a orange piece of card to give the camera a blue tint. this will make the scene seem colder where intact it is really warm.


An audience is any individual who consumes any media, this can include Books, Posters, TV and Movies. when making a piece of media you have to consider two things, the Demographic and the Psychographic. An audience is important because without one there would be no media. The impact of new Technology is that it is decreasing other markets for example, newspapers as social media develops the use of physical news outlets is decreasing however there is still a market for it due to the older people who prefer a more analogue way of seeing information. There are two types of audience Mass and Niche. Mass- Large audience very main stream. Niech- Small audience but very influential. There is the Demographic which is the mass audience these can be separated into classes. - This is a link to a website that shows the grades and where to market you production.

Photography Lighting.

We had a day where Steve showed us how to light certain areas for a specific genre for example horror lighting. There were three types of lights we used Dedos, Aris and Redheads. We used lots of individual lights in a three point set uup on the different areas, there were four areas.

Evaluation Foley

We had to create the sounds using the foley techniques for the classic Psycho scene. it went well and these music was well timed as well as fitting with the tone of the clip. I think the music worked best as it further identified the tone and genre of the clip. Next time I would try and get the shower sound to sound like it continues because it sounded like pulsing in the video however this was due to lack of editing knowledge, However on the whole the editing went ok. WWW .Timing .Tone .Editing EBI .More editing knowledge .Better sounds

An Alaysing Sounds in a Movie Scene

The scene I will be analysing is the scene for 'Star Trek Into Darkness' where the Enterprise falls helplessly towards Earth. Here is the link to the Video- The sounds in the video are used well together, there are multiple over lapped sounds. The sounds for the Ship its self are well executed because it builds up tension as it sounds as if the ship is dying and struggling to stay together. The music in this scene also causes tension because as the gravity changes the music compliments and makes the audience feel more connected at the helpless of the characters. Also the dialogue is the same as it is just the crew saying what they need to do and that they are helpless.

Torch Light GIF


Week Four

This week of the Carousel we had to create a dress out of plastic bags and a T-Shirt design.  We had to use the processes of painting die onto a piece of fabric to be pressed in the heat press. The dress was made by putting pins through the plastic and attaching it to the other parts, this dress then had to be modelled by a yr2 fashion student.

First GIF Edit


Week 4 Task

Used Links

We were set a task to create the sounds for the famous phsyco scene. (1960, DIR Hitchhock.)  We had to create the sounds using foley, recreating sound using other objects and items. We had to use Premier Pro to edit the sounds together. Foley was a practitioner who started using sound effects for the radio, he moved to cinema in the 1920's because they figured that they don't need live sound for a motion picture. Foley used house hold items to make his sounds, things that are just around the house. An example of this technique being used is house keys scraped against piano strings to create the iconic sound of the TARDIS in 'Doctor Who' (1963, BBC)  Found content is content that I have found from another source and is not my own, examples of found content that i have used it...  - - music 02/10/17 - - Drain 02/10/17 When editing we used premier pro to string the sounds to the


