
The sound in this sequence is consistent with what is happening, for example if there’s an explosion the correct sound would be displayed. These sound are consistently hyper real and no detectible natural sound. This is most likely because of the content and because of the genre of the sequence.
This sequence is filled with both diegetic and no diegetic sound, this is to make the ship seem bigger and the space from around them to seem bigger and more vast. As if they are in space. The music is also for the same reasons, it is also there to make the scene seem tenser and add drama to the sequence. Star Trek into darkness- Movie
The sound in this sequence is consistent with the events unfolding, for example when something falls the appropriate sound is portrayed as the object makes impact. Again this is an example of hyper real sounds but with this clip there’s more natural sounds as more objects are falling. The sound is correct with the events.
This sequence is also filled with diegetic and non-diegetic sounds this is to again make the ship and space seem vaster however it is to also carry on the damage to the ship created previously. The music in this sequence is also for creating drama and to make the crew seem more helpless and to make the audience seem as if the ship could be destroyed despite having all the main characters on board. This also makes the audience tenser and to make the crew empathise with the characters and crew.
The music in both these clips are different and yet the same this is because it’s the same genre and show. The TV series has to make call backs and remember that other shows have existed however the movies do not because they are there own franchise

The sound in both of these sequences is relatively the same because they are the same genre, however this is not obvious with the music because it is similar but this still has to be the same style of music and tones because there has been previous shows. All of the sounds have to hyper real because they obviously aren’t in space. 


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